I'm always amazed and inspired by how much you do and accomplish each month. It's not easy putting one' sword out in the world, but you keep persevering. And look where that journey is taking you. Congratulations again on the NYT piece - a giant leap for womankind in a very few, well chosen words !!

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As usual, your Newsletter is rich and wonderful. I'm filled with more CONGRATULATIONS for you than I can express. Nicole, I feel like your every ounce of excellence unfolds before us, and thanks so much for keeping your fans and followers updated on the continuing growth of the fine writing career of a phenomenal CREATIVE.

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Nicole, I love reading the specifics of your writing submission/acceptance/rejection process. Thank you so much for your authenticity. It vibrates! Your post generates a LOT of vitality and energy. It makes a difference as a writer who is out there submitting and risking and receiving rejections (and successes) to feel a sense of validation and reminder––this is the role. This is the work. Be an engine who keeps driving her own success. Thank you!

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You inspire me, Nicole! You are out in the world with your writing and making it happen! Congrats again on the NYT piece. It must've felt pretty awesome to see you work--and your photo!--in print. Keep going! xoxox

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