A bell rings, I bow. Muscle memory.
I sit, I breathe, mind wanders.
Thoughts arise and fall, like leaves dropping into a flowing river.
Impermanence. Open sky.
Pay attention, just breathe.
PROMPT (adapted from Writer’s Relief):
Choose an everyday moment from the following list, or add your own:
The dawn of the day
Your first cup of tea or coffee
When your head hits your pillow
The moment before cracking open a beloved book
When you realize you have to parallel park
When day becomes night
A bell ringing
Sirens in the distance
Being stuck in traffic
Opening the mailbox
The moment you realize you’re not paying attention
When you see someone else rubbing their forehead/eyes
The moment you decide to cut a corner
When you wave to a neighbor
Weighing your options
The moment you sit down to write